Zeiss Atlas Corneal Topography
We are leading the way in providing better corneal care in Sumter County by being the only office to offer advanced corneal mapping technology. Using a three- dimensional imaging process and computer digital analysis, we can obtain a topographical map of your cornea much like a topographical land map.
With this data, Dr. West is able to customize your contact lens fit and provide exceptional follow-up care to assure your continued ocular health. In addition, this instrument is very useful in managing patients with diseased, scarred, or transplanted corneas, such as Keratoconus, a disease that causes thinning and distortions of the corneal surface. www.nkcf.org
Also, corneal topography is essential in determining the suitability for Laser Vision Correction and in providing post-operative care. (www.tlcvision.com) One of the newest uses of this instrument is in managing patients during Vision Shaping Treatment (VST). VST is a non-surgical process using custom designed shaping lenses that are worn during sleep to gently reshape the front surface of the eye (cornea) and reduce near-sightedness. It provides clear vision throughout the day without glasses, contact lenses, or surgery.
Find out more at: https://www.zeiss.com/meditec/en/products/zeiss-corneal-topographers/zeiss-atlas-500-corneal-topographer-us.html